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Engineering ceramics

The terms engineering ceramics and technical ceramics refer to any ceramic mass that is suitable for engineering or technical applications.

Typically, these Ceramics will possess the following properties:

  • Poor thermal Conductivity
  • Low linear expansion
  • Not (de)formable and susceptible to brittle fracture
  • High melting temperatures

Technical ceramics are also usually characterised by good corrosion Resistance and high Wear resistance. Their low Toughness is a disadvantage.

Potential applications for technical ceramics include:

  • Manufacturing optical and electronic functional parts (glasses, semi-conductors)
  • Use as refractory moulds in metallurgy (furnace crucibles, Casting moulds)
  • Cutting technology

Technical ceramics are differentiated based on their composition:

  • Oxide ceramics with Aluminium oxides (cutting plates, orthopaedic joints) or based on zirconium oxide (Forming tools)
  • Non-oxide ceramics based on silicon carbides or boron nitrides are suitable as Grinding materials, while those based on silicon nitrides can be used for rollers and in Welding torches.

Amorphous silicon carbide ceramics also contain organic polymers.



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