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包含 (v)

fassen (v)

Die Vorräte sind grundsätzlich einzeln nach Art, Menge und Wert zu erfassen.

Dieser Katalog informiert umfassend über alle Produkte des MB Systembaukastens.

Zahlreiche Adapter ermöglichen die umfassende Kompatibilität zum MB Systembaukasten.

contain (v)

One typical application is semi-open containers for small parts.

Die andere Möglichkeit ist der verschließbare Container auf Rollen.

Another option is to use a lockable container on castors.

grab (v)

The teeth of the grab are usually made of high-strength steel.

Two independent mechanisms move the grab's operating and holding cables.

A multijaw grab with narrow jaws is also known as a grapple.

grip (v)

The height of the foot rest can be adjusted remotely via a grip.

The long grip and four easy-running castors contribute to the trolley's excellent manoeuvrability.

The panel element is processed for fitting the Lock System with escutcheon/grip.

hold (v)

Click the relevant camera icon, hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to change the view.

The Universal Holder can be assembled at any angle.

The Limit-Switch Holder is also suitable for other linear units.

take (v)

No building standards stipulate which direction stairways should take.

It is important to take into account the activity that is being performed.

At the end of the shift, users take their personal items away with them.

agarrar (v)

detener (v)

sujetar (v)

tomar (v)



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