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  • 德國
  • 英語
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  • 西班牙語

分解 (v)

zerlegen (v)

Die Demontage (Zerlegen) gehört zu den Fertigungsverfahren im Bereich Trennen.

decompose (v)

detach (v)

Easy, safe and detachable solutions for fastening frames in enclosures and guards.

Ensure that no cables, connections or components are detached or removed.

They should be sufficiently stable but easily detachable for when the bench needs to be reconfigured quickly.

disassemble (v)

The workpiece is disassembled and the parts placed in containers.

Several struts have to be fastened in place or unfastened at the same time - meaning the entire structure has to be rebuilt or disassembled.

This means that the individual components of the various units can be disassembled later for recycling.

dismantle (v)

This provides an effective means of preventing a closed door from being dismantled.

Everything that has to be dismantled can be reused in some other way.

The Clamp Strips and the panel elements can be retrofitted into the profile frame and also be dismantled again.

separate (v)

For example, rooms can be separated acoustically using special insulation designed to muffle footfall noise.

Es kann aber auch eine separate Bohrung mit ? 7 mm angelegt werden.

However, a separate hole with a diameter of 7 mm can also be created.

take apart (v)

descomponer (v)

desensamblar (v)

desprender (v)

separar (v)



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