Passend Dazu ESD-Erdungsbox mit integrierten 1 Megaohm-Widerständen.
Leitfähige Materialien und Oberflächen verringern den Aufwand für Erdung und Ableitung.
Es sind alle relevanten Bauteile zu Schutzerde (PE) oder zum zentralen Erdungspunkt (EBP) zu messen.
The corresponding ESD Earthing Terminal with integrated 1 mega ohm resistors.
This simultaneously tests both the functionality of the surface and dissipation to the earthing point.
Earthing Connection 8 can also be used to connect work benches to the grounding earth equipment.
Earthing Connection 8 can also be used to connect work benches to the grounding earth equipment.
The Light Fitting is connected to the power supply via a grounding-type plug and incorporates an ON/OFF switch on the housing.