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路线 (n)

Leitung (f)

Diese Bestandslisten gehen als Excel-Datei an die Inventurleitung.

Die Inventurleitung ist im Rahmen der Inventur die oberste Leitung.

Die Gleitung beschreibt z. B. eine Winkeländerung in der x-y-Ebene.

circuit (n)

A cross circuit can only occur when the controls for a device utilise multiple channels.

It is mainly used for uncontrolled rectifier circuits.

An isolating transformer separates the operating circuit from the supply system.

conduit (n)

A special Lid Profile is used to seal the conduit.

For connecting profiles used as compressed air conduits, the Universal Fastener is also available in a special version (Section 6.2 Pneumatic Applications).

Conduit Inside Corners, Conduit Caps and Cable Entry Protectors - Safe cornering.

guidance (n)

In case of unforeseen events, a tailhook secures the track guidance.

The innovative T-Slot Slider utilises the groove for guidance.

Suitable lateral guidance is essential to ensure workpieces and containers can be transported safely.

line (n)

Planen Sie Ihren individuellen Arbeitstisch jetzt einfach Online.

You can now plan your own work bench online - it couldn't be easier:

Helps conveyor lines run more smoothly, easier on sensitive products (less bumping).

circuito (n)

guía (n)

línea (n)



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