Vermutlich wird als maximale Belastungsgrenze der Übergang von elastischer zur plastischen Verformung herangezogen, die Berücksichtigung von Sicherheitsfaktoren ist dem Anwender überlassen.
Also check the maximum load-carrying capacity of the Threaded Inserts.
In the load diagram here, that corresponds to maximum load-carrying capacity 'q'.
Always compare the maximum load-carrying capacity of the various components.
It is naturally also possible to use the nomogram in reverse and begin with a maximum permissible torsion to calculate the required profile sizes or the maximum loading moments for a specified profile length.
Dividing the minimum stress by the maximum stress gives the stress ratio.
In each case, the maximum stresses act on the slice element at a particular angle of cut.
If the minimum stress equals zero and the maximum stress is positive, the result is a pure pulsating tensile stress.