real time web analytics



  • 德國
  • 英語
  • 中國
  • 西班牙語

部分 (n)

Strecke (f)

Auf die Regelstrecke wirkt zusätzlich noch die sogenannte Störgröße z ein.

Die Regelkennlinie wird auch statische Kennlinie der Regelstrecke genannt.

Wobei die Beschleunigung auf der halben Strecke und der halben Zeit erfolgt.

distance (n)

Distances must be optimised when planning a work bench.

The ideal viewing distance depends on the size of the screen.

The stated safety distances S apply for average operating conditions.

length (n)

The Hinge Leaves and Pin are available in different lengths.

In the case of long-thread milling, the potential thread length is not dependent on the tool.

The elongation, that is to say the change in the length of the test member, is measured

line (n)

Planen Sie Ihren individuellen Arbeitstisch jetzt einfach Online.

You can now plan your own work bench online - it couldn't be easier:

Helps conveyor lines run more smoothly, easier on sensitive products (less bumping).

line segment (n)

link (n)

Im Wechsel wird doe rechte und die linke Stellschraube angezogen.

Während dieses Vorgangs muss die linke Maustaste gedrückt bleiben.

We will look at interlinked and grouped work bench networks later on.

path (n)

Position of measured values - correctness and precision of measurement
Position of measured values - correctness and precision of measurement

Acceleration a is calculated based on the path/time rule.

The tilting motion determines the path of motion of the goods as they are ejected.

Path s applied over time t is described by a parabola.

route (n)

It can also be used to safely cover over cables that have been routed through a groove.

Damit kann ein Routenzug verschiedene Stationen gleichzeitig bedienen.

Cables and hoses are safely routed through cable conduits that are integrated into the profiles.

run (n)

Structure of a measuring bridge
Structure of a measuring bridge

Die Befestigungsscheibe M5 hat eine Sackloch-Bohrung mit Gewinde.

Bei bewegtem Schlitten ist eine Energieführungsketten vorzusehen.

The smooth-running castors incorporate reliable braking mechanisms.

section (n)

For connecting profiles used as compressed air conduits, the Universal Fastener is also available in a special version (Section 6.2 Pneumatic Applications).

Some cross-sections incorporate closed grooves that can be easily opened.

The various sections can be accessed individually through Overview 1.

distancia (n)

enlace (n)

línea (n)

longitud (n)

ruta (n)

sección (n)



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