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  • 德國
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  • 西班牙語

精确 (adj)

genau (adj)

Regalböden können millimetergenau im SystemMobil platziert werden.

Und das müssen wir gerade im Bereich der Hochschule genauso machen.

Sie geben eine winkelgenaue Orientierung der Profile im Verbinder vor.

accurate (adj)

However, the common understanding of the term is not altogether accurate.

Adjustments that are accurate down to the micrometre range are taken care of by precision drives supplied by another German manufacturer.

Guide rails on the benches ensure accurate and efficient handling.

correct (adj)

Information should be correctly positioned and clearly visible.

They ensure the Profiles are correctly aligned in the Fastener.

These components must be taken into account when determining the correct cut-off length for profiles.

exact (adj)

That's exactly how we need things to work in a university environment.

Exactly how far the visual range extends varies from person to person.

Often, nobody knows exactly what and how much is to be produced in the next phase.

precise (adj)

The assembly work is usually specified precisely in advance.

for the ultimate in functionality, precise contours and no protruding edges.

This two-axis positioning system is quiet and exceptionally precise.

WAHR (adj)

Zum einen werden dort die persönlichen Sachen des Arbeiters aufbewahrt.

Der Bau eines Treppen- oderPodestgeländers kann eine wahre Expertensache sein.

Der wahre Wert ist die tatsächliche Größe, die aber zumeist nicht bekannt ist.

corregir (adj)

exacto (adj)

preciso (adj)

WAHR (adj)



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