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erlauben (v)

Die Schlittenprofile erlauben frei geplante Befestigungsbohrungen.

Beleuchtung und freie Greifräume erlauben ermüdungsfreies Arbeiten.

Moderne Lösungen erlauben, Verstärkungen an quasi jedem Ort jederzeit zu ergänzen.

allow (v)

The latter allows users to mount the drive on the slide.

For example, adapter elements allow users to make customised modifications.

The Slide Profiles allow users to locate mounting bores at will.

permit (v)

The size of tolerance that is permitted varies according to the type of fit.

Incorporating the software into any other software is not permitted.

Similarly, the user is not permitted to market or distribute the software in return for payment.

执照 (v)

许可 (v)

permitir (v)

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