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Gesichtsfeld (n)

field of vision (n)

A person's field of vision is the area within which they can fix their eyes directly and centrally on any object.

Wherever possible, other printed work instructions should be positioned to the left, within the operator's field of vision, or higher up.

Field of vision and field of view (Sehfeld?) which specify optical axes that can be used to organise how personnel view elements of the workplace and support relaxed working practices

visual field (n)

At ergonomic workstations, items that are to be monitored simultaneously should be positioned within the visual field.

The visual field includes all points that can be seen when looking straight ahead, without moving the head or eyes.

The visual field describes the area within which a person can see objects without having to move their head or eyes.

视野 (n)

campo de visión (n)

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