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nachgiebig (adj)

Die Nachgiebigkeit der Podestklammer erlaubt den erforderlichen Schwenkradius.

Einfluss auf das Maß der Rollreibung haben die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit des Rollkörpers und der Rollfläche bzw. dessen Nachgiebigkeit und Härte.

compliant (adj)

OH&S-compliant design seeks to ensure that people and their surroundings are protected against harmful influences.

Whether guard-rails, knee-rails or tread depths - all TPS components are designed to make it much easier to build standard-compliant stairways and offer your staff the best protection possible.

flexible (adj)

The ends of the Warning and Protective Profiles are sealed by flexible Caps.

The flexible impact protection covers over profile edges and sides.

Flexible Conduit E is added as a work bench feature.

柔性的 (adj)

顺从的 (adj)

en cumplimiento (adj)

flexible (adj)

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