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Poldi hardness tester

Diagram depicting the Poldi hardness tester - comparing the penetration depth on the sample to be tested and a reference material
Diagram depicting the Poldi hardness tester - comparing the penetration depth on the sample to be tested and a reference material

The Poldi hardness tester is an instrument for testing impact hardness. The size of an indentation on the sample to be tested is compared with the size of the indentation on a reference Standard. In a similar way to the Brinell hardness test, the penetration depth is measured on both the test piece and the reference sample. The Poldi hardness values are then compared using tables.

Poldi hardness differs from Brinell hardness due to its dynamic loading.

Since the Poldi hardness test provides reliable guideline values and offers a wide range of possible applications, however, it is often performed as a quick alternative to a Brinell test. The Poldi method delivers particularly good results in the case of heavy castings, parts already installed and hot hardness measurements.

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