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schützen (v)

Die Türen der Maschinenkonstruktion schützen Prozess und Personal.

Die Türen der Maschinenkonstruktion XMS schützen Prozess und Personal.

Um die Mitarbeiter - das wichtigste Kapital einer Firma - zu schützen.

guard (v)

Special components are available for these guard units.

The TPS guard-rail system is the perfect complement to the platform system.

Safeguard against loss of fastening screws during disassembly.

protect (v)

The ends of the Warning and Protective Profiles are sealed by flexible Caps.

Conduit Inside Corners, Conduit Caps and Cable Entry Protectors - Safe cornering.

The appropriate protective enclosure is supplied automatically).

screen (v)

This lab work bench was developed for the inspection of windscreens.

The ideal viewing distance depends on the size of the screen.

Monitor AdapterVESA-compatible fastening for attaching flatscreen monitors to a Profile 8 groove.

shield (v)

Argon or an argon-helium mixture is often used as the inert shielding gas.

In addition to shielding personnel from the elements, it also prevents rain and foliage from falling onto routes and steps.

保护 (v)

屏蔽 (v)

防护物 (v)

防护装置 (v)

blindar (v)

cubrir (v)

proteger (v)

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