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Eisenbahn (f)

Laufräder werden in Schienenfahrwerken wie Kranen und Eisenbahnen, bei keiner oder geringer Steigung, verwendet.

rail (n)

Slide the prepared carriage onto the support rail.

The TPS guard-rail system is the perfect complement to the platform system.

Stanchions, hand-rails and knee-rails reduce the risk of injuries.

railway (n)

Travelling wheels are used in rail-based running gear such as cranes and railways in applications with no or only slight gradients.

Areas of application include moving and transport processes, such as those facilitated by machine tools, positioning systems or railway drives such as the Transrapid or roller coasters.

train (n)

This helps to reduce extreme strain on the musculoskeletal system.

Alternatively, you can arrange for us to come to you and provide a training course designed to meet your specific needs.

Our dynamics training course focuses on drives and Linear Slides.

培训 (n)

钢轨 (n)

铁路 (n)

ferrocarril (n)

riel (n)

tren (n)

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