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Unterlagen (fpl)

Der mobiler Unterlagenhalter macht das Lesen von Dokumenten und Anleitungen einfacher.

Der Auftragnehmer hat hierzu unverzüglich nach Erhalt, die hierzu relevanten Unterlagen zu prüfen.

Schubladenschränke und Regalböden schaffen Stauraum für Unterlagen, Werkzeuge oder persönliche Dinge.

documentation (pl)

The make-up of the documentation is listed under point L. III.

Such documentation normally features standardised layouts and standardised operating procedures.

Appropriate documentation as for the other guides is to be included.

documents (pl)

All documents and lists are to be filed in an inventory folder.

Shipping documents are enclosed in the dispatch area and the goods are then loaded.

The PDF documents you have collected together have been saved under '{1}'.

papers (pl)

White Papers explain specific issues in much greater detail and offer facts and background information.

records (pl)

Current measurement records and evaluates the charge carriers per unit of time in a conductor.

Last year, he created the world's longest ball track and succeeded in getting it into the Guinness Book of Records.

To rule out any tampering, staff must not have access to the stock card file and/or inventory records file during the inventory process.

文件 (pl)

文档 (pl)

档案 (pl)

documentación (pl)

documentos (pl)

papeles (pl)

registros (pl)

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