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Work organisation

Work organisation seeks to optimise the interaction between employees, equipment and information so as to enhance the cost efficiency of a working process, while at the same time maintaining or boosting the performance, motivation and skills levels of employees. Specific examples of work organisation include job Rotation and group work.

Methods of work organisation include:

  • Distributing tasks among employees
  • Distributing tasks among employees and equipment (machines)
  • Defining channels for information and communication
  • Planning working time
  • Specifying the remuneration system
  • Establishing management roles

Potential aims of work organisation include:

  • Low turnaround and throughput times
  • High availability
  • High cost-efficiency
  • Production flexibility

Workforce-related objectives can also be addressed:

  • Ensuring sufficient skills levels
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Acceptance for remuneration and performance
  • User-centred workplace Design
  • Freedom of action

The background conditions for work organisation are dictated by the market, technological development, society and statutory regulations.

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