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agudo (adj)

spitz (adj)

Der Werkstoff Stahl garantiert erhöhte Zähigkeit bei Belastungsspitzen.

Bei dynamischen Lasten sind die Spitzenwerte als Vergleichswert zu betrachten.

Fingerspitzengefühl ist bei der Änderung von Arbeitsplätzen trotzdem sehr wichtig.

acute (adj)

Acute vibration stresses can lead to vascular disorders, increased muscle twitches and impaired performance.

pointed (adj)

Straight or curved tools are normally used for rough machining, with pointed-nose tools being used for finishing.

Initial commissioning shall be carried out by the Contractor in the presence of the appointed representative from the Customer

For this purpose, all storage areas and locations are to be included in the stocktake and a responsible stocktaking manager is to be appointed for each location.

尖的 (adj)

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