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cargar (v)

belasten (v)

Unnatürliche Haltungen, zu hohe oder zu niedrige Griffpositionen belasten Muskeln und Knochen.

Präzise Montagevorgänge belasten die Muskulatur auf Dauer, weil der Arm nur minimal bewegt werden darf.

Die belastenden Streckenmomente (mx, my, mxy) verlaufen um die in der Plattenebene befindlichen Achsen.

burden (v)

load (v)

The closed side panel gives the Angle Bracket its high load-carrying capacity.

It offers effective support for heavily loaded profile connections.

Depending on the profile size and load, several pairs may be necessary.

stress (v)

The largest shear stresses t are found at the edges of this component.

Stresses build up in a component when a load act on it.

The circle's radius r is equivalent to the maximum shear stress .

应力 (v)

负担 (v)

负载 (v)

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