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estirado (n)

Dehnung (f)

Dabei wird die Dehnung, also Längenänderung des Probestabes, gemessen.

Die maximale Ausdehnung des Gesichtsfeldes ist individuell verschieden.

In einem Spannungs-Dehnungsdiagramm ist die maximal wirkende Spannung.

elongation (n)

The elongation, that is to say the change in the length of the test member, is measured

This elongations a right angles to the direction of traction is called lateral contraction.

The specimen's permanent elongation at the point of rupture is called the elongation at rupture.

expansion (n)

The design must tolerate expansion, which means that the position of each component must be clearly specified.

In the case of components, the coefficient of thermal expansion represents the mean value over a continuous temperature range.

In the simplest case, this is a change in volume as with the classic expansion thermometer.

extension (n)

Simple clamping technology for rapid reconfiguration, disassembly and extension.

Heijunka means smoothing and therefore describes an extension of levelling in production.

Additional extensions can be added anywhere with the flick of a wrist.

strain (n)

This helps to reduce extreme strain on the musculoskeletal system.

The physical strain on users must be kept to a minimum.

In a stress-strain diagram, is the maximum active tension.

stretching (n)

However, friction between the component and stamp hinders uniform stretching in the component.

The stretching that occurs in a new Chain must also be compensated for by making adjustments to the Chain Reverse Units.

Uniform stretching can be achieved with tangential stretch forming, in which the workpiece is pre-tensioned and stretched to its yield point.

应变 (n)

延伸率 (n)

延长 (n)

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