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vástago tope (n)

Klaue (f)

claw (n)

dog (n)

Nach dem Eingießen der Schmelze erstarrt diese geradwandig, rauwandig, schwammartig (exogene Erstarrung) oder schalenbildend (endogen) in der Form.

Once the melt has been poured into the mould, solidification can be straight-walled, rough-walled and sponge-like (exogenous solidification) or shell-forming (endogenous).

jaw (n)

They comprise several jaws arranged together in a circle.

A multijaw grab with narrow jaws is also known as a grapple.

If the multijaw grab has broad jaws, the container space is fully enclosed.

爪 (n)

颚 (n)

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