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indicate (v)

The capacitance indicates a capacitor's storage capacity.

The shear indicates, for example, a change of angle in the x-y plane.

Indicates that products are new additions to the Comprehensive Catalogue.

report (v)

The Contractor shall draw up and supply a measurement report for test equipment.

The final stage in production, when the end-product is manufactured, reports its requirements to the upstream production stage.

A structural analysis and fire inspection and environmental reports are also necessary for most construction projects.

signal (v)

Während der Dauer der Messung bleibt dann das Eingangssignal unverändert.

The input signal then remains unchanged for the duration of the measurement.

Die korrekte Einstellung wird mit einem Tonsignal der Steuerung bestätigt.

信号 (v)

指出 (v)

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